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    Características lingüísticas de estudiantes indígenas becados de la Universidad Especializada de las Américas, Ciudad de Panamá
    The present ethno linguistic research aimed to analyze the linguistic characteristics of native language-speaking students receiving scholarships at the Americas' Specialized University. For this, issues related to preserving the mother tongue and assessing cultural identity relevant to this study. The study is descriptive, quantitative-qualitative approach, not experimental, transversal. The sample of this study corresponded to the non-probabilistic for convenience. The sample size was 50 indigenous scholarship students from the four UDELAS Panama Faculties. The instruments applied were diagnostic tests, structured observations, interviews, and a sociolinguistic questionnaire: sensitization, inquiry, data processing, and final evaluation. The results of this study revealed the existence of a latent risk of loss of native languages in our indigenous students residing in Panama City. However, the findings indicated a large number of students interested in preserving and valuing their native language and cultural identity. In conclusion, with the creation of cultural integration programs in the classrooms, it will be possible to minimize linguistic barriers and promote native languages, thus strengthening the cultural identity among indigenous students in the university.
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    Escritura académica para contextos plurilingües e interculturales
    (Universidad Especializada de las Américas, 2023-01-31)
    La identidad cultural y cosmovisión en el discurso escrito son temas de interés y crecimiento en nuestra región, por lo que cada vez más se llevan a cabo estudios con la idea de profundizar sobre la problemática de la perdida gradual de las lenguas originarias y, con esta, la identidad cultural de nuestros pueblos indígenas. Este folleto tiene como objetivo comprender el mecanismo de la escritura académica desde nuestra propia cosmovisión y su proyección identitaria hacia la cultura occidental o del otro. A su vez, desarrollar algunas estrategias de escritura académica reflexivas y críticas, sin dejar a un lado la identidad cultural del autor.