Ética profesional docente y su relación con los valores emergentes en estudiantes educación media de, Azuero
González Flores, Eladio
Tejedor De León, Alexis
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Universidad Especializada de las Américas
Los grandes cambios en que la sociedad panameña se encuentra inmersa; demandan de un profesional docente consciente de su rol formador en ética y en valores que lo orienten hacia el progreso humano de las presentes y futuras generaciones.
La presente investigación titulada “Ética profesional docente y su relación con los valores emergentes en estudiantes de educación media, Azuero”, tuvo como propósito fundamental determinar cómo se relaciona la ética profesional del docente con los valores emergentes de los estudiantes de enseñanza media.
Con un abordaje cualitativo, de carácter transversal, el estudio se centró en interpretar y explicar las concepciones sobre la ética profesional del docente investigado, por un lado, así como los valores emergentes manifestados por los estudiantes, y por el otro, identificar su relación en los tiempos actuales.
Para el desarrollo del estudio se utilizó como técnica de campo con la aplicación de cuestionarios ad hoc auto administrado y validado con el alfa de Cronbach, lo cual permitió redefinir la redacción de algunos ítems para mejorar su entendibilidad. El cuestionario fue aplicado a una muestra representativa, sin reposición, para las dos poblaciones docentes – estudiantes, de 381 y 1697 sujetos respectivamente.
La investigación se centró en identificar, para los dos tipos de poblaciones, sus variables y sub variables características, ética profesional del docente y valores emergentes en los estudiantes. Analizando por separado cada una de las variables, para finalmente conocer la existencia o no de una posible relación entre ambas.
The great changes in which Panamanian society is immersed; demand from a professional teacher aware of its role in training in ethics and values that guide the human progress of present and future generations. The present research entitled "Professional teacher ethics and its relationship with emerging values in high school students, Azuero", had as a fundamental purpose to determine how the professional ethics of teachers relate to the emerging values of secondary school students. With a qualitative, transversal approach, the study focused on interpreting and explaining the conceptions about the professional ethics of the investigated teacher, on the one hand, as well as the emergent values expressed by the students, and on the other, to identify their relation in the current times. For the development of the study it was used as a field technique with the application of self-administered and validated ad hoc questionnaires with the Cronbach's alpha, which allowed rewriting some items to improve their comprehensibility. The questionnaire was applied to a representative sample, without replacement, for the two teachers - student populations, of 381 and 1697 subjects respectively. The research focused on identifying, for both types of populations, their characteristic variables and sub variables, i.e. Professional ethics of the teacher and emerging values in students. Analyzing each of the variables separately, to finally know the existence or not of a possible relationship between the two. In light of the results obtained, it was possible to observe that the professional ethics code of the Panamanian teacher has undergone a singular transformation in the last years, where emphasis is placed on the duties of the educator towards himself, with students and subordinates, with other members of their profession, with the community and with the State.
In this context, it was verified that 30% of the teachers studied say they have a chronological age between 41 and 50 years of age, 39% say they have a teaching experience between 10 and 20 years; 75% belong to the feminine gender, 70% claim to profess the Catholic religion, 57.5% said they chose their teaching by natural vocation and natural inspiration and finally 73% of teachers investigated teach subjects that are outside the thematic axes traditions - Social Sciences and Exact Sciences. With respect to the Professional Ethics of the teacher and their respective subvariables, an analysis of variance (f Fisher) was performed for a = 0.05, resulting in the Axiological Profile being the most important sub-variable in Professional Ethics of the teacher. On the other hand, 45% of the students investigated say they have a chronological age between 17 and 18 years of age; 58% are male; 80% claim to profess the Catholic religion and 67.5% reside in the urban area of the Azuero Region. When performing the analysis of variance of the sub variables of the Emerging Values manifested by the students, it was verified that the Formation of Value, is the one of greater incidence. Finally, it was possible to know that in trying to relate the Professional Ethics of the teacher with the Emergent Values of the students, a behavior neither linear nor curvilinear, but rather a cloud of scattered random points was observed, which is indicative that there is no significant correlation between the variables studied in the present investigation; Rho of Spearman for a level of significance of 0.05 of -0.007. The above could provide plausible support that, even early, the professional ethics of the teacher should be channeled to encourage in their students positive values emerging from those expressed by them and that greatly affects the noncorrelation between the two variables. Failure to take this into account could create a vicious circle.
deontologíaRho de SpearmanAzueroPanamásistema de valores
Cómo citar
Eladio, G. F. (2017). Ética profesional docente y su relación con los valores emergentes en estudiantes educación media de, Azuero. Universidad Especializada de las Américas. http://repositorio2.udelas.ac.pa/handle/123456789/254