Short story reading comprehension improves english regular verbs writing by sixth grade students at Jose Agustin Ruiz elementary school.
Ojo Castillo, Yaquelin Jissela
Richard Cisneros
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Universidad Especializada de las Américas
Reading comprehension is a necessary competence for successful access to
knowledge, but this learning slogan is poorly developed by students to understand
the central ideas or key words, appropriate new content, to reconstruct the overall
meaning of the text and value from a personal and critical perspective.
In this context the present work demonstrates that with short stories through
reading comprehension to be can improve the writing of vocabulary in regular
verbs. The aims of this research is to find that the student improves his writing in
English, especially in regular verbs, with the purpose of best learning in the
classroom. In this investigation, a survey was applied to students in sixth grade A
of the Jose Ruiz elementary School for to know the performance of students in
the English language especially in writing as V1 Reading comprehension and V2
English vocabulary.
This research responds to the design (No-experimental), Transactional,
descriptive, transverse stody and type of study will be descriptive, analytical and
explicative. In this research a survey and an observation was carried out as an
instrument taking of population two group of sixth grade students(A,B) in which
the sixth grade group A. with 21 students was chosen as the sample.
According to the instruments applied. It was obtained as a result that the students
managed to improve pronunciation and their writing in the groin of regular verbs
as well as learn new words and verbs; teachers should motivate the student to
read more in class since it has turned out to be an Effective component for the
learning process and improve your vocabulary
ImproveReading comprehensionRegular verbsStudentsDocencia en Ingles
Cómo citar
Jissela, O. C. Y. (2020). Short story reading comprehension improves english regular verbs writing by sixth grade students at Jose Agustin Ruiz elementary school.. Universidad Especializada de las Américas.